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Do you replay thoughts over and over, in your head that sound like...
Why do I always have to.....
If I don't do it, it won't get done.
I shouldn't have to...
I'm not enough.
They never...
Why can't I just....
I'll worry about me later.
Negative self talk often originates from the critical statements made by others (most often from our childhoods). Past trauma and negative experiences can write the rules by which we've come to live today.

Meet Reisha
Licensed Professional Counselor and
Mental Health Service Provider.
I am a solution focused counselor in Memphis, TN who enjoys working with adults who are motivated to change. I believe that knowing who you are and how you fit into your world is a requirement to living a healthy and balanced life. Being unclear about your self concept can lead to patterns of relationship problems, work related stress and overwhelm, family dysfunction, and much more. Coming to a better understanding of self leads to an improved quality of life!
From My Blog

Notes from the Therapist's Couch

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